Good things about how the world is changing

Everyone seems to acknowledge that the world around us is changing. People are embracing `postmodernism’ – everything is relative and nothing has any real meaning. And I think Christians are mssing out on some good stuff… Modern society is bad, right? We believe in Absolute Truth and we’re against Apathy and Individualism, yeah? Well, I’ll …

Not Lost

A poem. ————————- Not Lost Something missing but not lost Everything lined up nicely but what now what’s missing NO SPIRITUAL EARNING POWER Told many times he loves you you’re not lost Also told many lies by wrong good people When will I learn my lesson or is this how it is when you’re different …

You must believe the Bible right now – Part 2

How did Judas die? Take a look at these two passages from the Bible: Matthew 27:3-6 When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders. “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent …

You must believe the Bible right now – Part 1

Here’s the argument: “If you start questioning certain parts of the Bible, where do you stop? You’ll have to question all of it, and where do you draw the line between bits you ignore and bits you believe?” Here’s my opinion of that argument: Not an argument at all: doublethink. Here’s another argument: “If you …

My testimony – final more level-headed version

I became a Christian at the end of the first year of my degree, which is now about 3 years ago. Though brought up in a Christian home, up until then I had decided God, Christianity and church were not for me. However, I had always felt deep down that God existed and that Jesus …