Does anyone else find that their close friends – indeed the vast majority of their friends – aren’t Christians? I’ve always felt far more comfortable with non-Christians. I find that with Christians there’s always something in the way somehow or other; I feel both under pressure to project a version of myself which isn’t the …
Author Archives: Andy
Why is there suffering?
Why is there suffering? God can do anything, so why doesn’t he stop us from hurting? This article is a collection and re-organisation of the thoughts of loads of different people who contributed to the Wiki page called WhyGodAllowsuffering. Apologies if I’ve messed it up in any way. Important things to say first If you’re …
He doesn’t drive me away
Whatever it is that makes me dread praying – makes church so unpleasant – fills me with fear of getting too close to the truth – whatever it is, it isn’t God. When I look at it properly, my life is a demonstration of Immanuel – God with us – he’s always been with me, …
Singleness or Being Paul
This is an hot potato that has probably done the rounds but just some thoughts. God loves me whether I am single, married, with kids, without. OK. However I recognise that there are differences in how you are supposed to act, behave, think when you are single, especially in the church’s eyes. Are single people …
Rant against Christian bookshops
I find it very hard to like Christian bookshops. I feel very uncomfortable in them, and always come out feeling angry. Why? I find it hard to put my finger on. Certainly the fact that the science sections in most I’ve been in are full of dreadful, dreadfully ignorant and misleading books doesn’t help. But …
I know people I like. I know Christians I like. But I didn’t meet them at church. What is it about church that makes relationships made there so worthless? I think it goes to the very heart of what’s rubbish about church. A very long time ago I did a children’s talk when I was …
No Guilty Expression
I don’t really sin – ok occasionally I could spend more time praying or reading the bible. But to be honest at the most my white robes have smudges on the collar and cuffs. From time to time, I sit down to ask God for forgiveness for my sins only to find that really none …
Is Christianity a socialist faith?
I have been reading 2 Cor Chapter 8 13 – 15 (and Exodus 16 which it refers to). As I read the words of Paul I get a strong feeling that being in a Christian Community should mean equality and when we have plenty we should give it up. This to me fits in with …
What Job Said
This week I was planning to write an article summarising everything that’s come out of the page called WhyGodAllowsSuffering on the wiki. However, when I came to think about it, I decided to try and add a different way of looking at it instead of gathering it all together just yet. What I’m doing here …
Downs and Ups
Over the last week I’ve confronted some stuff and wobbled, and felt better, and worried about that, etc… C.S.Lewis talked about the “Law of Undulation”* by which he meant that human beings just don’t notice that their feelings about everything go up and down no matter what they do. I’ve had a bit of that …