Prayer: teach us how to love

Lord, please teach us how to pray, and help us to pray now.

We are shocked and scared to hear about the failed assassination attempt yesterday in the US. We pray for safety during this election. We pray against chaos and division. We pray for leaders of upright character, who serve their citizens, not themselves. We pray for a new spirit of unity and understanding that overcomes the deep divisions we see in American society, and also in our own.

In this context we are amazed at the peaceful transfer of power in the UK after our general election. We thank you so much for the peace many of us enjoy. We pray for our new government: may they be peacemakers, justice-bringers and climate champions. We pray for unprecedented success for the planned Ending Homelessness Unit.

Give us leaders who are beacons of peace. Teach us how to love.

We thank you so much for the work of Child Action Lanka, helping provide food for families affected by the recent flooding in Sri Lanka. We thank you for the links our church has to support this amazing work. We pray for the health of the team as they respond to so many needs, often with limited resources. We pray for enough money to buy a decent bus to get kids in to the centre where they can receive food and education. We ask for partnerships that will bring the right people and finances. We pray for wisdom to think long-term when there is so much urgent short-term work to do: especially for wisdom to think about sustainability.

Make them beacons of peace. Teach us how to love them.

We beg for progress in Gaza. As the starvation continues, we pray for food and water – not just for supplies, but for a route to get them to people. Please Lord, provide a breakthrough. Even as our media loses interest, the bombing is increasing, and more and more children are injured and orphaned. We can’t bear to watch, but we turn to you: you are strong enough to face what is happening, and to provide relief. You are our hope, and we ask for a miracle: not just for peace today and the release of the hostages, but for lasting peace and reconciliation. It feels stupid and naive to ask for it, but what is hope if not this? We long to see you.

Give us leaders around the world who are beacons of peace. Teach us how to love.

Lord, as we hear controversy over plans for an Islamic community centre in our town we think of our Muslim friends, family and neighbours, especially anyone who is frightened of how they may be treated in our town. We pray for peace and generosity of spirit as plans are discussed, and we pray for peace in the hearts of those who are treated with fear and suspicion. We embrace the Christian teaching that all humans are siblings, descended from the same family. We pray against any spirit, within Christian or Muslim communities or anywhere else, that seeks to undermine this teaching and promote division, othering and violence.

Make us beacons of peace. Teach us how to love.

Even as we wrestle with you now, free us from despair over our sin: we know you pick us up and dust us off every time we stumble. Comfort those of us who are suffering. Rescue those who are in trouble. Make us true friends to each other.


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