Lord, please teach us how to pray, and help us to pray now.
We pray for the people of Gaza, as the bravest make their way back to their towns and cities with the bombs still falling and search through the rubble for some way to restart their lives, in the face of grief and trauma. Please bring peace and safety for them, for their neighbours in Israel and for the hostages.
We pray for the people of Europe as we face the reality of war in Ukraine and the fear of wider conflict. As tyrants shout out “peace” like a wartime slogan we pray for true peacemakers. Give us love for our enemies. Teach us what it means to turn the other cheek, standing in defiance to protect our weakest, and ourselves, and holding on to the truth that when we stand, we stand against people: people with needs and fears and families and friends and love to give and receive, like us.
We pray for the whole human race as it seems to have gone out of fashion to acknowledge the reality that our climate is racing towards being an ecosystem that won’t support us. Please give our leaders courage and wisdom to speak truthfully about the climate crisis, in ways that are effective.
We acknowledge the hopelessness many of us feel in the face of populism and worse in the US and beyond. We hope that we might be close to rock bottom, with not much further down to go. We pray for a change of heart for us in the West – embracing your priorities: love of neighbour and an ever-expanding definition of who our neighbours might be. We pray that we will be humbled before you, even if it means being brought low like King Saul or Nebuchadnezzar. We have no God-given right to be richer than any other part of the world, or safer, or freer. We long for safety and freedom for our whole world, and we ask for safety and freedom for ourselves and our children.
When confronted with wrong behaviours, please give every one of us with even a tiny bit of power to resist, the courage to do it. Give us solidarity together, as friends and colleagues, to be good news for the poor, comfort for the brokenhearted, freedom for captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.
We’re calling on the God of Ezekiel
Who promised life from bones and rubble
We’ve seen you do it but we can’t quite believe it
We’re calling on the God of Isaiah
Who knew that victory comes as safety for the poor
For both of them you chose to work through their words
Will you do the same thing for us?
O God our God we need you
O God our God we need you now
How we need you now
O Rock O Rock of Ages
We’re standing on your faithfulness
On your faithfulness